Test Pack - Must be Completed
1 - To setup the integration contact the Tuffnells service desk. They will provide you with an FTP username and password (these are specific EDI credentials for Tuffnells FTP Server - please check you have correct values)
Once you have that you'll need to submit a test pack so they can enable the location as live.
To do this
- Create a Tuffnells account on Fulfillable - Connect -> Courier Integrations - > Tuffnells -> Add Account
- Create three orders in Fulfillable
- 1 x Single Parcel Next Day
- 1 x Single Parcel 3 Day
- 1 x Multi Parcel Next Day
- Process the orders to create shipments. You'll get PDF labels back for each of the orders
- Once done then create a Manifest. This will produce an EDI file and a PDF manifest.
- Supply the labels, EDI file(This will be FTPed to them) and PDF Manifest back to Tuffnells for them to confirm all is good
- Once they confirm the location is live and you can then start creating live shipments.
- Please make sure you have entered address & contact details on Fulfillable for you warehouse in Warehouses > Manage Warehouses:
At the end of each day when the driver comes to collect the Tuffnells parcels you'll need to create a manifest. This does two things:
- FTPs an EDI data file containing all the info about the shipments done since the last Manifest
- Produces a PDF manifest to be handed to the driver:
Creating a Manifest
1 - Navigate to Connect > Courier Integrations > Tuffnells
Locate the account you want to create a manifest for.
Click Manifests:
2 - Then click the create manifest button:
3 - Print off the PDF file created and hand to driver
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